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Speakers for 2024

Here you find some of the speakers from VR Forum 2024!

Sebesi Sergiu

President of CSR Nest Association and Managing Partner of Sustainable Future Center and Enviro Edu Cons. He has a background on environment & sustainability gained in 29 years of practice.

President, CSR Nest Association

Dr. Sigurd S. Nielsen,

PhD in Geography from NTNU. His research interests include visual methodologies, cultural diversity, and global perspectives in education. He is leading a project exploring the use of photogrammetry to document and stimulate local boat culture, in response to the UNESCO incription of nordic clinker boat traditions.

Senior Curator / PhD, Anno museum

Andreas Martin Aanerud

Plays a key role in developing Copilot and the M365 platform, focusing on AI-driven, user-centered solutions that enhance customer value. CTO at Qvisten Animation and Schjærven Group. A former leader of The Gathering. Continues to explore AI innovations, experimenting with open-source models and RAG for document management.

Senior Product Manager, Microsoft

Kristina Kvam

Master's degree in History and Philology, Bachelor's in Game Development and Design. 7 years of experience managing teams and projects in XR. As CTO, Kristine creates the company's tech strategy and development roadmap for Fynd CORE. . Leading the company through different projects while making sure the general technological development of Fynd CORE is progressing in pivoting towards a licensing model. 

CTO, Fynd Reality AS

Lyuba Boncheva

Masterstudent i Screen Cultures ved Universitetet i Oslo og praktikant på MUNCH

Praktikant, MUNCH

Elise Kaspartu

Jobber med utvikling av nye museumsopplevelser. Erfaring som rådgiver, strateg og koordinator i ulike kreative byrå innen design, markedsføring og utforming av nye brukeropplevelser. Formell bakgrunn fra Visuell Kultur ved Københavns Universitet.

Innovasjonslead, MUNCH / MUNCH lab

Julie L. Parisi

Julie sørger for at MUNCH stadig eksperimenterer og finner nye måter å skape verdi for sitt publikum. Har 12 års erfaring med design og innovasjon, både som in-house designer og konsulent. Bakgrunn som tjenestedesigner, UX/digitaldesigner, samt erfaring innen print- og klesdesign. Utdannet innen interaksjonsdesign (Goldsmiths, London), grafikk (SFSU), og kles- og printdesign (NABA, Milano).

Innovasjonskatalysator, MUNCH

Emma Brown

The programme manager for digital creativity projects at the University of York, including XR Stories and XR Network+, promoting industry-academic collaborations and supporting regional small businesses.

Programme Manager, XR Stories/ University of York

Olivier Joureau

20 years in Telecom industry , entrepreneur in photogrammetry and in virtual museum.

Innovative Project Leadership, Anasaea

Henrik Harryson

Henrik  is the film advisor that went AWOL in benefit of the World Heritage Decorated Farmhouses of Hälsingland. Coordinator of the Nordic World Heritage VR-Network. Region Gävleborg, Sweden.

Film Advisor, Region Gävleborg

Linn Marita Nikolaisen

Has over 10 years of experience in career counseling and inclusion.  She leads a pilot project utilizing VR to improve guidance processes, focusing on making informed career choices more accessible to everyone.

Team leader/job specialist, Varde Kompetanse AS

Andreas Seiersta

Andreas Seierstad is a research and development nurse at Oslo University Hospital, and a PhD candidate at University of Oslo. His research focus on whether its feasible to utilize VR to reduce anxious avoidance experienced by people with psychotic disorder.

R & D nurse / PhD candidate, Oslo University Hospital

Freyja Rut Emilsdóttir

Leveraging a passion for education and cultural experiences. Oversees daily operations and strategic development of this innovative VR exhibition. Her background bridges education, cultural management, and event planning. Before joining 1238, she fostered creativity through textile arts & crafts and social studies instruction. A Master's degree in Cultural Management.

Museum Manager, 1238 - The Battle of Iceland

Andreas Siefert

Media artist, stage designer, musician and game designer, as well as creative director and founder of PONG.Li Studios. His main focus lies in the interactive field and has been focussing on the topic of serious gaming for a few years now.

Creative Direction, PONG.Li

John Dabil, HTC

Tech industry veteran. He transitioned from leading HTC VIVE in the EMEA region to driving global growth for VIVERSE. John focuses on shaping the content ecosystem, building partnerships, and advancing business development for HTC’s XR solutions, aiming to define the future of spatial computing.

Head of Product Operations / Metaverse Expert, HTC

Erson Halili

Multidisciplinary background in Psychology, Media Education and Service Design. He has been working extensively with immersive technologies for the last 5 years, with a strong focus on training and simulations, and the integration of human-centered XR into healthcare education. He focuses on designing XR experiences which are seamless, easy to use and convey value to real-life representations.

XR Expert, Helsinki XR Center

Magnus Mackay

Magnus has a Masters Degree in International Business and further studies in Future Learning Technologies from NTNU. He has worked 7 years with L&D in Jotun, now managing the team responsible for innovation and technology.

L&D Innovation Manager , Jotun

Helge Bjordal

With experience in animation since the 1980s and XR since the 1990s, he has a background in visual database programming and is a trained programmer and Microsoft server expert. He now focuses on promoting XR as a valuable tool for businesses.

Founder & Chairman, Nagelld

Camille Sivelle

A PhD student at the Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU), in Trondheim. Her research focuses on information security and privacy issues in Extended Reality, in particular for use cases related to critical sectors such as healthcare or emergency services.

PhD Candidate, NTNU

Sinan Tanilkan

A research scientist at the Norwegian Computing Center. His research is focused on simulation based training and how to ensure the realization of benefits from software solutions.

Research scientist , Norwegian Computing Center

Håvard Snarby

The CEO and founder of Connect the Dots. He has a background in interaction design and game theory.

Founder & CEO, Connect the Dots

Jani Leskinen

Senior Manager Sales & Business Development, Fynd Reality AS.

XR projects since 2012. 

Sales & Business Development, Fynd Reality AS

Cathrine Steen

PhD student at Innlandet Hospital Trust and Inland Norway University of Applied Sciences. 

Psychologist / PhD student, Sykehuset Innlandet / HINN

Aleksander Vold

Prosjektleder i utvikling av digitale løsninger og karriereveileder i Prima. Han har tidligere jobbet som kontaktlærer og rådgiver i grunnskolen.

Prosjekt leder/ Karriereveileder, Prima

Frode Aasprong

Han har bred arbeidserfaring fra forskjellige sektorer. Han har blant annet arbeidet som arbeidsveileder på IKT-avdeling, miljøterapeut i psykiatrien, kursholder og brygger i Ølakademiet.

Prosjektleder / Karriereveileder, Prima

Siriann Grenness

Hun har erfaring fra Luftforsvaret, IT-bransjen, som selvstendig næringsdrivende, og nå OrbitArena. Hun har jobbet som tekniker, produktansvarlig, i support, opplæring, karriereveiledning og utvikling. De siste årene har hun også utviklet VR 360-treningsprogrammer med Prima.

IT / VR Ansvarlig, OrbitArena

Kariin Sundsback

She specializes in the fields of history didactics, historical empathy, and the integration of virtual reality (VR) in teacher education. Her research focuses on how emerging technologies like VR can enhance pedagogical practices and foster deeper student engagement, particularly in the teaching of history.

Associate Professor, Høgskolen i Innlandet

Ahmed Chaudhary

Han  spesialiserer seg i anestesi ved Førde sentralsjukehus, med særlig interesse for barns opplevelse av sykehusopphold og på hvilken måte vi kan optimalisere dette. Han er utdannet ved UiO og har tidligere jobbet som distriktslege i Finnmark og lege i Forsvaret. Han jobber daglig med anestesi og intensivpasienter.

Helse Førde

Sinuo Wu

A PhD candidate at the University of South-Eastern Norway, specializing in utilizing extended reality in virtual teams. A member of the I-Merse Research Group and the main course teacher of AI for business applications.

Ph.d. candidate, University of South-Eastern Norway

Stig Ekeberg

Stig holds a bachelor’s in social education, a master’s in mental health, and 25 years of healthcare experience. As Product Manager at Making View, he specializes in using VR for training and improving patient care.

Product Manager, Making View

Kyr Poskonoff

An XR specialist with 7 years in the field, completing 250+ projects for giants like Mercedes-Benz, IBM, and Netflix. He's associated with,, and Kyr is a regular speaker at events like AWE and XR Expo, and has authored articles and the book "Metaversions".Best AR company according to the European Technology Awards.

Co-Founder of LikeXR

Josephine Rydberg

Exploring Dramaturgy for Participatory Practices. She works as crossmedia delveloper at the Cultural department of Region Gävleborg. Her previous works includes a geo location based app about art, a method for schools to use basic programming as a creative tool and more.

Researcher / PhD Student, Stockholm University of the Arts / Region Gävleborg

Alisa Rysaeva

An expert in visual communication and virtual reality. Over the past two years, she worked as a project manager at HVL, effectively integrating VR into the teaching practices of the Health faculty. Her passion is to use XR technologies to benefit healthcare and education.

Project Manager, Høgskulen på Vestlandet / Saali-Art AS

Sigrid Anita Haugen

Ph.D. from Technological University Dublin, a master's in Scoring for Film and Visual Media, and a bachelor's in music performance and production. She has composed for films, games, and festivals in Norway and internationally, focusing on storytelling and auditory perception.

Audiovisual composer / PhD , MusicRedesign

Markus Haraldseid

Holds an M.Sc. in Informatics from NTNU. An experienced VR developer, he now focuses on project management and leads Fornix’s work with Norwegian Church Aid and the Humanitarian Innovation Program.

Co-Founder / CEO, Fornix

Nadja Lipsyc

Game designer, artist, and researcher with an education in neuroscience and audiovisual production. PhD in Artistic Research at the The Norwegian Film School. Works with videogames, film, VR stories, experimental theater, installation art, larp and teaches at the Oslo school of Architecture and Design. Her work often stages surreal and symbolic universes tied to contemporary critical questions.

PhD, The Norwegian Film School / The Oslo School of Architecture and Design

Scott Leaman

One of Europe's foremost experts in Mixed Reality consulting, a Microsoft MVP for Mixed Reality, and the Mixed Reality Lead for Sopra Steria Norge. He has been using VR/AR/MR to bring value to the enterprise domain for many years.

Mixed Reality Lead, Sopra Steria

Anne Berit Bech

A nurse with a Master's in Clinical Nursing and a Ph.D. From January 2024 will be a postdoctoral researcher at Sykehuset Innlandet, NK ROP, leading a 3-year study on using VR for patients with substance use and mental health disorders, funded by the Norwegian Research Council. Associate professor at HINN.

Assistant Professor / PhD., Sykehuset Innlandet / NK ROP

Siri Wieberg Klausen

Specializing in education policy, social studies didactics, and digital tools in teaching. She leads the Virtual Reality work package in the CERiTE project, funded by the Norwegian Research Council.

Associate Professor / Ph.D. , Høgskolen i Innlandet

Ellen Lande

Exploring new interactive realms through her artistic XR games, she's the director of acclaimed works like "The Digital Garden of Munch AR". Educated at the Polish film school with a MA in directing & cinematography, she has directed extensive TV-drama and numerous short films. Also an established film and art critic with 120 reviews. Munchs digitalt Garden AR, Nøkken VR-  Winner Best Virtual Production Award 2023, Nordic VR Forum.

Film & Gamedirector, Filmcritic

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